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Best ‘The Body Shop’ Products For Clear And Glowy Skin

I’ve used lots of products from The Body Shop over the years. I kind of ignored it when I was younger, but my friend Sinead took me in at the start of first year and we tried loads of stuff out, asked for advice, and each left with a huge bag and a sore bank account. Since then I was hooked. I’ve tried nearly everything from the Seaweed range, the Aloe Vera range, and bits from the others. This is a skincare post, but I also use their grapefruit and orange body sprays every day as they are literally better than any expensive perfume I had ever had. The sprays are so cheap at £8 that I don’t mind being a bit more liberal in my spraying. After 3 years of trying different products, and getting Matt also into them, I think I’ve found the products that I think work for me and any skin issue I could have. I’m not saying I have totally clear and flawless skin, but it has definitely improved since using these products which has made me feel more confident. It looks a lot clearer and healthier than it used to. The Body Shop’s products are all so luxurious and replicate spa treatments, perfect for pampering at home and I just love them. The branding, the prices, and their commitment to ending animal cruelty for cosmetics are the main reasons that they are my favourite company.

Vitamin C Glow Boosting Microdermabrasion:

I have to wrestle this from Matt. I keep it in my bathroom drawer and after he has a shower it’s back in the cubicle every single time. Can’t really blame him though it’s fab, it’s the first exfoliant I’ve found where the beads aren’t too big and sparse so it really feels like you are taking a good surface layer off your face. The grains are so small it’s almost sandy, and my face feels squeaky clean and smooth after using it. It’s a bit more expensive than their usual products at £18, but totally worth it in my eyes. I’d recommend using this once or twice a week due to it’s strength, it’s definitely not an everyday exfoliator. This product is meant to combat dull skin and Vitamin C helps brighten and revitalise skin, so this product also encourages the glowiness that is perfect for this Spring. The body cannot retain Vitamin C, so adding an extra layer to the top helps it be absorbed into every layer of skin for maximum benefits.

Vitamin E Gentle Facial Wash: 

I love this too. You can’t use the microdermabrasion one every day because it would be too harsh on your skin, so this one is gentle enough to use every day. I love using it in the morning to wake me up, and I really feel like my makeup goes on smoother once I’ve used it. It’s not really meant to take all of your makeup off, so I use it on clean skin. It turns into a light lather when in contact with water. It doesn’t make an obviously massive difference to the appearance of my skin apart from a gentle cleanse and exfoliate, but that is what I need to keep my skin from getting dry patches and clogged pores. I really enjoy using it, and the pink bottle helps as well aha. It is probably also great for people with sensitive skin!

Camomile Cleansing Butter:

I wanted this the second I saw it be released on TBS Instagram, a totally vegan balm that takes all your makeup off and helps your skin. It’s absolutely fab, I use it when I shower and it gets all of my makeup off and doesn’t hurt my eyes. It’s not bitty or slimey at all, it’s really smooth and moisturising and it washes off so easily! I’ve had this for a few months now and I’ve still hardly made a dent in it, (although I have dented the packaging throwing it in my basket so often aha), but a little really goes a long way. It’s very similar to the Clinique Take The Day Off balm, although a fraction of the price. It takes my makeup off so well that I don’t feel the need to use any other products afterwards either.

Shade Adjusting Drops:

These are brill for makeup I bought when I was a bit more tanned in summer. They’re a little grainy for some reason, but they blend in to foundation and concealer really well and work wonders. Mine are to make my makeup lighter but they also do them to make it darker, add a bit of bronze or shimmer. A couple of drops really go a long way, and I find that using them doesn’t compromise the finish or longevity of foundation or concealer. These really will last ages, and for £11 the price isn’t bad either. Cheaper than buying a new foundation in a different shade most likely!

Ethiopian Honey Deep Nourishing Mask:

I really struggled with dry skin over Christmas, it was so sore. This completely turned that around for me really quickly. It’s exactly what it says on the pot, a honey that you wipe all over your face and leave on for 10/15 minutes – definitely not a mask you can wear overnight. It’s a bit runny and sticky as it doesn’t set like usual face masks, it sinks in a little, but it’s easy to get off and the effects are so worth it. It smells nice too, very sweet. I don’t use it as often now it’s not as cold and windy but it will be my go-to when my skin next gets a bit dry. This obviously isn’t vegan since it’s honey, but it’s cruelty free and I made the exception since my face was so sore. It’s quite expensive at £17 and it’s usually excluded from offers which is a bit annoying, but it will last me ages. I made Matt try it the other day and he really liked it as well, and it must be good if he admitted to enjoying a face mask!

I hope this was a helpful post!

Grace x


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